Black Activist Summit,
Weds., December 18, 2019
6 – 8 pm
All Souls Episcopal Church
88 St. Nicholas Avenue (@ 114th St.)
Harlem, NY
2,3 or A,B,C to 116th St. — map/directions
Each year, the federal government uses census count data to determine how to spend nearly $800 billion dollars. Your community’s census count data determines how much you will receive for SNAP/WIC, nurses, doctors, housing, teachers, bus and train lines, senior services, infant and youth services, climate, emergency care and more. The census also determines how many elected officials will be assigned to your district.
Census Justice is a Racial Justice Issue
ENY Restoration LDC joins the Center for Law and Social Justice | NYC BLAC for CENSUS 2020.
For info: 718-804-8893 and
Call to confirm attendence: 718-676-5920.